Sunday, November 30, 2014

Animecon Japan 2014: A Canadian Perspective

anime1 anime2 anime3 anime4 anime5 anime6 anime7Ok, so I’m at an anime convention. I’ve been to these before, with varying results. Only this time, it’s in Japan (birthplace of anime), and at the mother of Japanese anime conventions - Animecon!
The first thing I notice is wall-to-wall people dressed up as anime characters. Colors, wigs, homemade foam-rubber weapons and latex body paint jump out at me in triumphant neon splendor. As I enter the showroom, booths upon booths of Japanese pop culture showcase their wares. There is just so much cool shit to look at! My brain goes into overload. I start foaming at the mouth. Cute Asian girls dressed in revealing anime cosplay surround me. I start hyperventilating and break out into convulsions on the floor. Well, no, not really. But everything except that last sentence is true blue. I’m in nerd heaven, in which I feel like a king.
I go outside to watch the cosplay competition, where costumed anime fans strike poses for triggerhappy blogging photographers…like me! I meet a few interesting people, including Waldo (finally found him!), Deadpool, and Mega Man! Afterwards, I check out the indoor stage where everyday anime fanboys (strangely, an absence of girls at this attraction) sing their hearts out to their favorite anime inspired tunes – Anime Karaoke, if you will. And, unlike karaoke in the west- which usually happens in late night pubs where would-be singers feel the need to drink down some “social lubrication” before getting up for a song…everyone in this convention crowd is hardcore into the material, going for gold on stage while the crowd engages in a collective orgasm of anime awesomeness. The crowd participation is amazing; synchronized fist-pumping to the music fills the airspace around the stage. It feels more like a heavy metal concert while sounding like an Astro-boy episode. Its pretty epic. I find myself just open-mouth gaping at the sight. Then there’s the two huge showrooms full of convention booths for cool anime art, comics, cartoons, music, mouse pads, iphone accessories, gimmicks and do-dads, pretty much any kind of pop culture application you can think of, they have it here sporting a Pac-man head or something. And then comes the highlight for me: the meet & greets! I suddenly find myself shaking hands with Ultraman himself, and touching his gun. (No, really! Dammit, you know what I mean. Pervert!)
Now, imagine this glorious scenario repeating over three days with thousands of Asian youths who never seem to tire. This is Animecon Japan. Pure Epic Awesomeness. Next year I’m bringing a Gundam suit.

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